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Using Existing Techniques


Running rail along beams is an existing technique, seen most often in bridging.

Key Blocks

Key blocks are also an existing technique.  They are used with bullhead rail and a chair to fix rails in place

The Waybeam track system


The Waybeam Track System combines the methods seen in beams and blocks and uses them in an outer and an inner trough

The patented system of troughs come in 3m to 4m lengths and are joined together using junction plates

The patented system of key blocks include compressible upper blocks that allow wheel flanges to pass along side the rail head and prevent trip hazards and ingress of material

Gauge Ties

Gauge ties. where necessary with turn-buckles in their centre, are used to hold the troughs – and hence the rail – to the correct gauge.

The system can be entirely dug in, partially dug in or surfaced laid with ramp boxes.